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OpEd: The Troubles That Plague Nigeria BY EZINWANNE ONWUKA

The trouble with Nigeria is, undoubtedly, multifaceted. However, the following stand out prominently and has crippled the nation like no other could.

High Unemployment: Unemployment refers to a situation whereby qualified and employable able-bodied adults are not employed due to non-availability of job opportunities. Nigeria, for instance, is a country in which the vast majority of the potential workforce is either workless or marginally employed. The twin problem of unemployment is underemployment. There is underemployment where, for instance, a skilled and educated job seeker is employed to do a job that is less remunerative and dignified in status i.e. the employment of a university graduate as a clerical officer. In other words, when an employee earns an amount that is not commensurate with the position he is qualified for in an establishment or institution, such employee is under employed. This situation is very profound in this part of the world. The phenomenon of unemployment and underemployment is most endemic, rampant and problematic in our dear country.

Bad leadership: While a culture of stable, good governance and democratic rule has taken root in developed nations, stolen democracy or botched civil rule is the lot in Nigeria. Bad leadership exasperates the problem. It is a truism that most of those at the helm of affairs in our country are visionless, corrupt and bereft of ideas and leadership qualities. The prevailing order is that of primitive accumulation of wealth, corruption and get-rich syndrome. Thus, the resources meant to better the lots of all and sundry have been or are being diverted and converted into private pockets. Leading a country involves making policies and finding solutions to problems, ensuring stability of the polity, and guiding the society to prosperity. But a large number of the political leaders of Nigeria lack the vision, the passion, and the character to effectively govern the state and deal with the crumbling economy.  It is a fact of history that we are blessed with corrupt leaders with intimidating vast financial empires whose excessive acts of exploitation, dictatorial wield of power, ill-gotten wealth have aided underdevelopment.

Lack of infrastructures: This refers to the absence of the basic necessities of life; necessities that are imperative to realize the good life. Good roads, uninterrupted electricity and efficient communication system etc., are some infrastructural facilities needed to make the lives of citizens a pleasant one. The reality of the day is that these infrastructural facilities and others are hardly available in our country. Where there are available, they are either in short supply or epileptic in service to the people. Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) is a good example.

Human rights abuse and fragrant disregard for the rule of law: Certain rights are conferred on the citizens of a country. Such rights include rights to life, right to free association, right to free expression etc. Also, citizens are supposed to be equal before the law of the land. In other words, the rule of law ought to be supreme in order to bring about justice and peaceful coexistence in an organized society. However, in a country like ours, there is gross human rights abuse. The rule of law is neither reckoned with nor obeyed. Nigeria is a country where the principle of equality before the law exist only in theory and not in practice. It is axiomatic that our rulers and elites are above the law. It is a social reality that the Nigerian government is reputed for human rights violation and abuse, curtailment of political freedom and fragrant disregard for the rule of law. Our leaders are quite god at eliminating opposition elements and activists. Cases abound where leaders have denied their countrymen of their rights and freedom with the instrumentality of state power as well as obnoxious laws.

Egoism and Greed: Egoism has to do with selfishness. Egoism in a nation refers to selfish acts on the part of citizens at the expanse of the nation. Greed, on the other hand, refers to man’s tendency to possess what does not belong to him and gain unnecessary advantage over others when citizens and leaders are infested with the spirit of egoism and greed, it follows that citizens as well as leaders will only pursue their selfish interests and gains to the detriment for those things that would put the nation on the path to progress and greatness.  

Corruption: The greater democratic challenge facing Nigeria is “corruption”. Transparency International defines corruption as the abuse of entrusted power for private benefit (Transparency International, 2006).  The attempt to break the cycle of underdevelopment has been hindered by the high level of corruption in the country. Unfortunately, after years of independence, Nigerians still harbour the mentality that public money belongs to no one and that any person who has access to it should convert it into his or her personal use. Corruption is a social menace that has eaten deep into the fabric of the Nigerian polity. Today, Nigerians applaud and tolerate ill-gotten wealth which in reality is money stolen from public coffers. This is a pointer to the fact that corruption is endemic in Nigeria. It has permeated into every facets of the society; the family, the church and even the traditional systems are not left out of this contagious disease. The debilitating effects of corruption on the country are enormous. It affects the routine processes of governance both in public and private sectors, and it pollutes the business environment generally. It also undermines the integrity of government and public institutions. It is clear from the foregoing that corruption is a bane of development and the major cause of economic paralysis.

Ezinwanne Onwuka writes from Cross River state, Nigeria. She is a Corp Member serving in Cross River state. She writes informative, creative and research-driven contents on topics about life, politics, religion and more. You can reach her on and +2348164505628.  

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