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Our Organization Is An NGO, Not A Cult Group - NBM (Black Axe) To Akwa Ibom Governor

Neo Black Movement of Africa (NBM) also known as Black Axe says its inclusion in the list of cult groups proscribed by the Akwa Ibom State government is an error as the organization is a nongovernmental organization and not a cult group.

Governor Udom Emmanuel had on the 16th of March, 2020 signed into law the state's Cultism and Other Violent Behaviour(Prohibition) Order, 2020.

The Order listed Vikings, Black Axe, KKK, Buccaneers, Mafia, Luttox (Junior Black Axe), Debam, Dewell, Icelanders, Red Skins, Pirates, Amoc, Akwa Marines and Utoto Groups (419) amongst others as the proscribed group.

In a press release signed by the president of the group in the state, Mr. Monday Jeremiah, he faulted its inclusion, saying his organization is a legally registered company.
"For the purpose of putting the facts straight NBM of Africa also known as Neo Black Movement of Africa is a legally registered Non Governmental Organization NGO under part C of Companies and Allied Matters Act with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) of the Federal Republic of Nigeria with registration No. 7729 that can sue and be sued".

He said the objectives of the organization is principally based on equality and social justice irrespective of race, religion or ethnicity.

Mr. Jeremiah further said the group and its members all over the world feel grossly insulted and degraded, adding that " inasmuch as we condemn brigandage and gangsterism by some misguided youths, we wish to state that NBM of Africa also known as Neo Black Movement of Africa is a law abiding body and does not encourage nor condone members taking laws into their hands".

He assured that the group would "follow up the order judicially".
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